Polymer, Rubber & Paper

Oxo-biodegradable Plastic (OBP) Technology

27/12/2017 | 09:25
The world uses approximately 320 million tons of plastic each year, and most of this could be made now with OBP technology. If this were done, the damage caused by plastic litter in the environment could be gradually and safely resolved. 80% of the plastic waste finding its way into the oceans of the world originates on land. Less plastic accumulating on land, means less plastic able to find its way into the marine environment.

Oxo-biodegradable plastic (OBP) technology is proven science which has been studied, tested and commercially used for more than 3 decades. It does not change the principles of minimisation, reuse or recycling and does not leave microplastics or toxins as a problem for future generations.

OBP can be programmed at manufacture to have a ‘service-life’ during which time it will behave in exactly the same ways as conventional plastic.  In that it is as strong, flexible, lightweight and waterproof and it can be re-used and recycled if collected.   However, if it escapes collection and ends up in the open environment, on land or sea.  It will degrade and biodegrade in a much, much shorter timescale, leaving nothing behind, in the same way as nature’s waste only quicker.

OBP contains an extra ingredient which acts as a catalyst to dismantle the molecular structure of the polymer. The material is then no longer a plastic and becomes a food source for microorganisms ubiquitous in terrestrial and marine environments. 

OBP – The Facts

  •   growing legislation requiring OBP
  •   compatible with most types of plastic packaging
  •   can be recycled and made with recyclate
  •   harmlessly biodegrades in the open environment on land or sea
  •   demonstrates clear benefits in Life Cycle Assessments
  •   can be made right now in existing factories at little or no extra cost

OBP is an upgrade to conventional plastic, achieved by adding d2w at only 1%.  It is a major improvement as plastic packaging is currently indispensable in everyday life. 

The world uses approximately 320 million tons of plastic each year, and most of this could be made now with OBP technology.   If this were done, the damage caused by plastic litter in the environment could be gradually and safely resolved.   80% of the plastic waste finding its way into the oceans of the world originates on land.  Less plastic accumulating on land, means less plastic able to find its way into the marine environment.

d2w is a pragmatic way to reduce plastic litter.  It offers an insurance policy that if plastic packaging does escape into the environment it will not be there for decades as a problem for future generations.   It also gives shopkeepers and consumers the best product for the job, without the environmental baggage associated with it.

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